My recent blog post on the work-life balance myth – it’s work life harmony you need – has raised a few questions and a few doubters.

They don’t believe it’s possible and don’t know where to start. Maybe you feel the same?

Let’s understand what Harmony is


Harmony is just making an agreement, well actually a commitment, with yourself.

The commitment is that once you have finished focusing on one area of your life, you will then focus on another that was previously taking a rest.

An example is that once you’ve finished at the gym, focused on your health, you will spend time with your kids, focused on your family. It’s that simple.

But the not so easy part is the discipline required to actually follow through with your commitments.

So here’s a guide to actually get harmony in your life – I call it the Harmony Review.

The Harmony Review


It takes 10 minutes and focuses on what you need and want to do. You’ll want to write this down to start but will then be able to do in your mind.


Step 1


Look at all areas of your life: health, family, and friends, work/business, me time, fun time, spiritual, community etc.

Then for each, see if any area has something important or urgent for you to focus on (this also includes focusing on an area that’s not had much love recently because it will bite you in the arse if you continue to neglect it and possibly sabotage another area).

To do this ask yourself these 3 questions scoring them 1-10 where 10 needs your immediate attention and 1 needs none at all.

Is there something important to do if so how important?

Is there something urgent to do and how urgent?

Has this area been resting for a while?

Those areas with the highest scores will be your need.


Step 2


For each area focus on what you feel you want to focus on and what you want to do. It’s important to feel not think.

Ask yourself these 2 questions scoring them 1-10 where 10 needs your immediate attention and 1 needs none at all.

What areas do I feel I want to focus on?

How strong is my feeling?

Those areas with the highest scores will be your want.


Step 3


Focus your attention where you said you would and agree with yourself that you will focus on the other areas when the need or want appears.

You can do this monthly, weekly or daily. Whatever works for you.

Let me know in the comments below how this works for you.

Have fun 🙂


